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Why choose Africor?
No matter how big or small the item we sell it all.
Africor Auctioneers specialise in Auctions, Liquidations, Valuations, Game Auctions, Live Stock Auctions, Game Capturing, Game Quarantine Pens,
Game Transport, collection, rigging and we have storage facilities on site for your convenience.
Africor Auctioneers offer professional and upmarket services.
We strive to build ongoing, long term relationships with our clients and strive for sustainability.

We Specialise in
Africor Auctioneers specialise in Auctions, Liquidations, Valuations, Game Auctions, Live Stock Auctions, Game Capturing, Game Quarantine Pens,
Game Transport, collection, rigging and we have storage facilities on site for your convenience.
Africor Auctioneers offer professional and upmarket services.
We strive to build ongoing, long term relationships with our clients and strive for sustainability.